facilitate keyboard shortcuts to navigate, compose, delete etc
no further details needed
jayme commented
Sadly I might return the app for this feature. swiping up is fine for tablet mode, but on my desk i have to be able to quickly clear my inbox with keystrokes.
I really hope I am missing something obvious here?
edit: otherwise, it's a pretty great idea in an app!
Anonymous commented
<CRTL> <ENTER> to send ( gmail and outlook standard)
Joel Blatt commented
My personal priority is to be able to delete highlighted emails with the delete key as opposed to having to use the mouse each time. With the volume of junk mail I get, it gets to be a strain on my wrist to have to mouse over to the "X" button each time to delete. Much easier to use mouse to highlight with my right hand and delete using the delete key with my left hand.
carl commented
Escape key to close messages.
ashu2077 commented
While on the main screen with all the emailed listed as boxes, provide an ability to hold down the left mouse key and create a lasso. All the emails touched (within) the lasso will be selected when the mouse key is released. Click DELETE and all the selected emails are deleted. MASS DELETE
Rob commented
I am using Touch Mail with my Touchscreen AND my Computer. So it would be nice to have more options when I right-click a message - e. g. "Delete" or "Archive" or "Read/Unread".
Erik Nelson commented
make it easier for users of non-touch screens to unselect / deselect emails, by either clicking in any blank space on screen, or pressing the ESC key